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A selection of videos, created for YouTube, Facebook, Reddit. Edited on Final Cut Pro X, using a variety of treatments for each project.


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SPACEGEN broadcast during the 8:00AM primetime Morning Show on XRAY.fm. A national, weekly radio news program, in the Portland Oregon & Vancouver Washington areas.
Reaching a wide target audience, regardless of age, race, gender and political views, my audience love to hear about space exploration! Focusing stories that get my audience into the middle of the action, from heading into 2020, and hearing for the first time how the privatized space industry is growing. Reporting extensively on breaking Space news before it becomes mainstream.
Listen to the episodes of SpaceGen on
Listen to the episodes of SpaceGen on
The radio program, Future Forecast, broadcasting every Thursday from 6:00AM – 7:00AM on XRAY 91.1FM, as well as, KUIK 1360AM. Both stations serve the Portland Oregon & Vancouver Washington areas. Covering everything from breaking news to investigations on topics ranging from technology to space exploration.
The program captures the ideas of innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists, with the key stories behind all the technology produced. This show is a narrative journey marked by triumphs, failures, serendipity and insight.

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Well taken photos can tell a great story while allowing the eye of the beholder make their own interpretations of what they are looking at.
Shooting live is immediate, real, and captures moments as they happen.

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My artistic form varies. I started out in 2D art, then moving into digital media, now my art has evolved to have many layers to it. Strongly based in process and narrative. More recently my art forms have evolved into storytelling videos, and experimental generative art as human created art in collaboration with a machine.
My artistic approach of portraiture working on Self Portrait employs a limited palette, working primarily with graphite and liquids and drawing focused on the creation and manipulation of the drawn line where physical boundaries are unimportant.
Based in Alberta with great passion for art and media, such as radio, photography and film. Previous work experience includes radio hosting and working as an EPK on filmsets.
Using media such as art, photos, videos, audio and good writing in creative ways to communicate and engage, make stories come alive, leaving lasting impressions.
Utilisng creative concepts to communicate a message in a clear and egaging way.